Monday, May 14, 2007

Taking care of business...

We bought our tickets today! And I missed the FedEx guy this morning, (I passed him on the street, and I just KNEW he was going to my house!) I know he is delivering our passports with visas--WOOHOO!

We had originally planned on going to Hawaii en route to China, to celebrate our 20th anniversary, but it just wasn't working out with our agency's timeline. We would have had to sacrifice a day there, and we had only planned to spend 2 1/2 there anyway, so we opted to just spend an extra day in Beijing. We'll take a tour of the Pandas at the Beijing Zoo, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven on the 1st, and then the Great Wall of China, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square on the 2nd. On the third we will fly to Guangzhou---and meet Miss Anna Jo! Yipperee-Yipperoo, Heid, I know you will be there with me!

More soon!