Monday, June 4, 2007

We have her!

I know I know! Still no pictures...and my posts have been few and far between. I'm sorry! But we are finding it difficult to navigate the computer world here.
I'm working on it, and I promise to keep trying to get photos up....especially since we have such a cutie to post photos of!

We finally have our miss Anna Jo! Yesterday was the big day, and it could not have gone any smoother. We traveled with a group of eleven families to the Civil Affairs Office here in Guangzhou, and after a bit of paperwork, we were handed the most adorable happy baby in the world! Within 30 seconds she was already smiling. She never shed a tear, and has yet to really get upset. She immediately took a liking to Doug, and he had her laughing the whole afternoon.

We had been describing her as looking so serious or even worried in the photos we had gotten. And she does still have a serious look....but then her whole face breaks into the most goofy, wrinkled-up nose, two-toothed grin!

She did very well last night. We gave her a bath, which we could tell was a little foreign to her....but she had fun discovering splashing around. She went to bed around 8pm without a hitch, and woke only once for a bottle at 12:30, and went right back to sleep. She didn't get up until around 7am. At the orphanage, she had been eating mostly a very thick bottle of formula with rice cereal mixed in, and one or two servings of congee a day. Since yesterday, she has already tried several new things--scrambled eggs, banana, bread, and cheerios. She wants to try everything.

She fits into 9-month old clothing perfectly right now. She is not really chubby, but very healthy. There was not a mark on her except for a few tiny bruises and some faint Mongolian spots on her shoulders and tooshie. Not even so much as a diaper rash. She has probably fussed a total of 5 minutes since we got our hands on her, the rest of the time she has been either eating, sleeping or laughing!

We have been kept very busy doing the basic paperwork, and she officially became ours today at around 11:30am China time! Woohoo! I'm off now to check into burning my memory card onto a CD, which seems the only way I will be able to post photos. The computer here in the cafe does not accept a CD though, so I'll have to maybe try the Business Center at the hotel. I'll keep trying!

Love and miss you all--take care! I'll post again in the am.