Monday, July 2, 2007
Settling in....
Well, we are finally settling in here at home with Anna Jo. It took us a while to adjust everyone's body clocks, but I think we are all on Pacific coast time now, and Anna has settled into some more normal sleep patterns--hooray! For a while there, I thought I'd have to use toothpicks to hold my eyelids open.
As you can see, my girl is a happy baby. She uses this goofy smile often. She has really amazed us at how quickly she has adjusted and just fit herself into the family. She especially loves Megan, and just lights up for her. She is very affectionate with all of us, and has just won our hearts over from the start. She is a joy.
Anna had her first check-up today, and the poor thing spent about 4 hours at the hospital waiting for blood work and immunizations to be done. She wasn't happy with the procedures of course, but otherwise was a real trooper. The pediatrician heard a slight soft heart murmur, but said she was not at all worried, and would just monitor her for now. Otherwise, Anna Jo is in excellent health, and right on cue for growth and development. Yay! Yesterday, she stood for the first time from a squat in the middle of the room (no furniture to pull up on).
We are having a lot of fun getting to know each other. She loves music, and is eating just about anything we try. She had been getting only formula with rice cereal, and congee (a sort of rice porridge) before we got her. She is eating table food now, with some baby food, and a few less bottles a day. She loves to be outside and when we tried the swing the other day, she just giggled and squealed!
More later,