More adventures from Guangzhou.....the day before yesterday was our physical exam, which Anna passed with flying colors, and then got sick later in the afternoon. I came back from shopping and she had been throwing up and was burning up. Poor baby. She just whimpered and laid like a veggie. But by next am she was back to her cheerful self.
She is such a happy baby! Always smiling, and interacting with us. She just loves Doug, and one of the other families' grandfather is her true boyfriend! She just breaks into the biggest grin whenever he is around. She wants to walk very badly, but I think it will still be a few months.
Today we took a trip to the zoo, which we really couldn't enjoy because of the heat. It is just stifling. And the moisture just hangs in the air, making it look like a constant fog. We have had some intense storms, and I think some of the areas in southern China have had some terrible flooding. The Pearl River, which surrounds Shamian Island where we are, has risen dramatically, and is full of debris.
Have to go hand in some documents to our facilitator, so more in a few minutes......
More adventures from Guangzhou.....the day before yesterday was our physical exam, which Anna passed with flying colors, and then got sick later in the afternoon. I came back from shopping and she had been throwing up and was burning up. Poor baby. She just whimpered and laid like a veggie. But by next am she was back to her cheerful self.
She is such a happy baby! Always smiling, and interacting with us. She just loves Doug, and one of the other families' grandfather is her true boyfriend! She just breaks into the biggest grin whenever he is around. She wants to walk very badly, but I think it will still be a few months.
Today we took a trip to the zoo, which we really couldn't enjoy because of the heat. It is just stifling. And the moisture just hangs in the air, making it look like a constant fog. We have had some intense storms, and I think some of the areas in southern China have had some terrible flooding. The Pearl River, which surrounds Shamian Island where we are, has risen dramatically, and is full of debris.
Have to go hand in some documents to our facilitator, so more in a few minutes......
Here are a few pictures of Anna's very first ice cream! She just loved it, and cried big crocodile tears when Doug took it away!